Maarten van Kesteren architecten 
Mezenlaan 31 Den Haag
+316 33800322

We are looking for an intern


Nimeto: transformation of a craftschool
2018-2023 in Utrecht
15.700 m2 building and 6000 m2 landscape
photo’s MWA Hart Nibbrig

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Houten constructie architect
Schoolplein Utrecht

Passive house in Amsterdam
Nominated for the Arie Keppler Prijs 2024.

Elephant trail: installations for Artis Royal Zoo

Bronzen standbeelden bij het Olifanten verblijf in Artis
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Verborgen tuin: transformation of a sylvan garden

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Nimeto: transformation of a craftschool 

Passive house in Amsterdam


Cafe: installation for Amsterdam art fair

Hollandsche Schouwburg

Hollandsche schouwburg Maarten van Kesteren

Nimeto: transformation of craftschool
Year and location: 2018-2023, Utrecht;
Program: 15.700 m2 building and 6000 m2 landscape;
Client: Nimeto Utrecht;
Initiative design research: Stichting Mevrouw Meijer;
Design of the building, furniture and landscape: Maarten van Kesteren architecten;
Team: Maarten van Kesteren,  Jesse van der Ploeg,  Kees Fritschy, Simone Tettamanzi, Eline Degenaar, Meng Ye, Leonardo Rossi, Camillo Fiorito;
Building technical support: VDNDP;
Support landscape design: Tomas Degenaar; 
Other advisors: ZRi (buildings physics, acoustics, fire safety), JVZ (stability), Galjema; (services),
 SmitsRinsma (technical support landscape), Silo (signing), Building for Tomorrow (project management);
Construction: Van Miltenburg, Scherrenberg and students and teachers of Nimeto and the Hout- en Meubileringscollege Rotterdam
Photography: MWA Hart Nibbrig;
Nominations: Gulden Feniks 2024, Rietveld / Truus Schröder Prijs 2024, ARC 24 award, BNA Beste Gebouw van het Jaar 2024 and Gouden Piramide 2024.
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Passive House: transformation of a house and garden
Year and location: 2021-2024, Amsterdam;
Program: 240 m2 building and 370 m2 landscape;
Design of the building and landscape: Maarten van Kesteren architecten;
Team: Maarten van Kesteren,  Leonardo Rossi, Pien Nods;
Support landscape design: Tomas Degenaar;
Stability: Remmerswaal bouwadvies;
Passive house calculations: 
Silke Elsässer;
Construction: Volkmaakt Bouw;
Photography: MWA Hart Nibbrig;
Nominations:  Arie Keppler Prijs 2024.
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Elephant trail: installations for Artis Royal Zoo
Year and location: 2017-2018, Amsterdam;
Client: Artis Royal Zoo;
Design and sculpting: Maarten van Kesteren architecten;
Team: Maarten van Kesteren,  Jesse van der Ploeg;
Other advisors: CM3 (technical support), Sounddesign (sound), The Snifferoo (smells); 
Foundry: Bogart Bronsgieterij;
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Verborgen tuin: transformation of a sylvan garden
Year: 2016-2017;
Sculpture and landscape: Enzo Valerio and Maarten van Kesteren;
Foundry: Kunstgiesserei St. Gallen;
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Cafe: installation for Amsterdam Art Fair
Year: 2016;
Design and construction: Enzo Valerio and Maarten van Kesteren;
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Hollandsche Schouwburg: Holocaust memorial and museum in Mokum
Year: 2013-2014;
Graduation project;
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Looking for an intern
We are looking for a talented and motivated intern who:
– Has excellent conceptual and design skills and experience in making physical models
– Knowledge of Rhino, ArchiCad, SketchUp and Adobe Creative Suite are a plus 
– Dutch proficiency is a plus 
What do we offer: 
– Market conform compensation 
– 4 days a week for a period of 4-7 months 
– High level of involvement
If you are interested send us your resume, motivation and portfolio at